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One Lane Closure of Duhail South Street


motorists can use Al Khafji Street as an alternative route as shown on the map

The Public Works Authority ‘Ashghal’ announces that a closure will take place on one direction of Duhail South Street, heading from Jarian Al Nijema Intersection to Al Shamal Road. The closure starts right after the roundabout of Duhail South Street conjunction with the Environment Street, up to the roundabout on the service road parallel to Al Shamal Road. The closure will start on Thursday 16th of June 2016 for a period of two months.

Upon this closure, motorists can use Al Khafji Street as an alternative route; by heading south from Jerian Nijema Intersection to Jeliaa Intersection, then turning right to Environment Street and continuing straight (without turning), then turn right onto the service road parallel to Al Shamal Road at the roundabout under Duhail bridge, as shown on the attached map.

The closure is required to allow development works of the roads surrounding the Duhail Camp.

Ashghal will install road signs to advice motorists of the closure. The authority requests all road users to abide by the speed limits, and follow the road signs to ensure their safety.