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Ashghal > Home > Our Projects Overview


Ashghal contributes to achieving the goals of Qatar National Vision 2030 by leading the transformation of Qatar’s infrastructure and public buildings so as to develop the nation into one of the most advanced countries in the world in this field.
Ashghal is managing and coordinating multiple projects. Adopting best practices in infrastructure development and management, Ashghal has employed a powerful model of strategic outsourcing and partnership with world leadin​g project management organisations to ensure Qatar’s infrastructure is on par with the most developed nations worldwide.
Ashghal is currently working on a wide range of infrastructure programmes across the country, including: the Expressway Programme which will deliver some of the largest expressways in Qatar, and the Local Areas Infrastructure Programme which will deliver many roads and integrated infrastructure projects in local areas. Ashghal is also cooperating with working relevant Qatari authorities on significant building projects that include healthcare, educational, and general sector projects.
With the implementation of this massive amount of infrastructure assets, including road and drainage networks and public buildings, Ashghal is gradually moving from being an entity concerned with supporting and implementing projects, to an entity that focuses on operating and maintaining road and drainage networks in the country and providing high-quality services and solutions in asset management. The effective execution of both planned and corrective maintenance is critical to Ashghal's mission to provide a customer centric service to all citizens and residents of Qatar.
Ashghal’s key infratstructure programm​es include:


From here you can track road developments, buildings and drainage projects across Qatar. You can also preview project milestones and locations on active maps.



Ashghal is responsible for governing the design, construction, delivery and maintenance of all expressway and major roads that cater to current and future traffic demand across Qatar. Ashghal’s focus for the future of Qatar’s roads is to enable greater mobility, shorter travel times and improved safety.


Ashghal is responsible for governing the design, construction, delivery and maintenance of all major projects including storm and rain water, waste water and sewerage drainage and treatment across Qatar. It’s mandate also includes the complex IDRIS project – the Inner Doha Resewerage Implementation Strategy.


Ashghal is responsible for governing the design, construction and delivery of public buildings and amenities for a number of government entities. This includes schools, hospitals, parks and cultural centres.

​For better understand the projects Ashghal is working on and to track its progress on active projects, click on the links below.


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