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Temporary Closure on Salwa Road


Traffic will be diverted to the alternative road adjacent to the closed section of Salwa Road, as shown in the map

In order to install Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) on Salwa Road between Rawdat Rashed Interchange (No. 29) and Mesaieed Interchange (No. 24), the Public Works Authority will implement a temporary closure on Salwa Road, in the four lanes traveling East-bound from Abu Samra to Doha and for a distance of 1 km, starting approximately 3 km after Exit 30 to exit 26 (Near Aqua Park). Ashghal will also close the exit from Al Khalidiya area to Salwa Road. The closure will last for six hours on each of Friday and Saturday, 17 and 18 June 2016, starting from midnight until 6:00 am, in coordination with the Traffic Police Department.

During this period, traffic will be diverted to the alternative road adjacent to the closed section of Salwa Road, as shown in the attached map.

Ashghal will install road signs to advise motorists of the closure. The authority requests all road users to abide by the speed limits, and follow the road signs to ensure their and others safety.